Size dan bentuk rumah berbeza di setiap Zon?

Assalamualaikum wbt,

Setiap pagi berjalan ke student union, ke engineering building dengan persoalan "Kenapa bentuk dan size rumah di sini berbeza jika di bandingkan dengan malaysia?" Kerana terlampau rajin, untuk mebaca article article dengan terperinci barulah faham. Seperti mana yang kita tahu terdapat empat zon dalam dunia ni, zon panas, zon sejuk, zon sedrhana panas dan zon sederhana sejuk. setiap bangunan ni di bina berbeza kerana faktor mempengaruhi sendiri berbeza.

Pembinaan bilik bilik dalam rumah tersebut.

Jika di bandingkan, rumah rumah di negara sejuk, atau sederhana sejuk, bilik biliknya sedikit kecil daripada rumah di negara panas. Sebabnya, apabila ruang pada bilik tu besar, area of contact dia lagi besar dengan udara sejuk di luar dan sebab yang paling obvious, senang nak panaskan bilik tersebut bila winter. ( autumn pun naurah dah bukak heater. lalalaala).

Bahan pembinaan

bahan pembinaan merujuk kepada jenis bahan yag digunakan untuk membina rumah tersebut. Bahan binaan di rumah rumah di negara sejuk mempunyai thermal capacity dan resistance yang tinggi jika di bandingkan dengan di negara panas. google lah thermal capacity dan resistance tu . Fungsinya untuk memanaskan bahagian dalam rumah. hew hew. sebabtu lah materials mereka berbeza sedikit dengan di malaysia. 

naurahnorzan cardiff bluesky beautiful cardiff senghennydd road house
United Kingdom.Cardiff.(:

Bumbung Rumah
Bumbung rumah di setiap zon juga berbeza. Ni sebenarnya Kajian tempatan tingkatan empatje ni. Kalau bumbung di Negara yang bersalji selalunya ' V ' terbalik dan steeper dari di negaar kita, supaya bila snow , senang jatuh ke bawah. 

Tingkap rumah 
Sealunya rumah di zon zon panas,  mempunyai tingkap lebih kecil daripada zon sejuk, di sebabkan perbezaan suhu pada waktu malam dan pagi sangat berbeza. jadi tingkap memainkan peranan yang penting bagi mengekalkan suhu tersebut. 
okay, loves


medical engineering di cardiff. (:

Engineering are divided into several branches.

The most common would be mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, civil etc. ( antara yang terkenal di Malaysia) but there are several of other branches that people didn't realize it exist. medical engineering. well i decided to choose this course when i was in kolej mara banting (international baccalaureate), wasn't an easy decision to make. it took me few months to really firm with my decision. 

There are few universities talk held back then when i was in KMB meeting few of the professors, universities' officer ( i think ) explaining different branch of engineering. I was really interested with medical engineering or also known as biomedical engineering. kalau kat Malaysia ada course ni di UTM, UNIKL. kalau taksilap. There are a lot of universities in united kingdom offering this course and so i choose the road less traveled. hew hew. And when i came here i just realized that there are few malaysian students in this course as well. 

cardiff senghennydd court cardiffuniversity

How medical engineering was taught in different universities varies. In Cardiff, during our first year we would be studying the basic knowledge related to engineering. in the first semester there would be engineering analysis ( which is maths), engineering applications ( where you have practical, laboratory work, lab report, math lab drawing ) , network analysis ( something related to electrical stuff), english communication and development (cv writing, etc), mechanics, thermofluids. medical engineering is related to mechanical engineering. what differs from it is the anatomy and physiology module which will be in second semester. 

Besides that, few laboratory practicals are different. we have our own laboratory practical which relates to medical engineering applications. contohnya, biomaterials test. test untuk mengenali bahan mana paling sesuai untuk di gantikan untuk tulang yang patah. Lagi satu , screw testing, untuk mengenali skru mana yang sesuai digunakan untuk memegang tulang yang patah.interesting? (: There are a lot of other things i will discover, but for now that is what i know. 

Sekarang, masih musim autumn yang menantikan winter.
kenapa sukaaaa autumnnnnn?
Bumi Cardiff, sangat menenagkan. (:

Sunday with books (:

Salam and good afternoon,

Engineering students have test every monday morning , and its 10% for each module! What do you expect us to do during the weekend? Yes, absolutely, weekend with books! Nextweek, i have engineering  analysis and network analysis tests (: tengok nama subject pun macam bagus je kan haha. 

Anyway, this is responsibility. The purpose of us coming here, choose to be far far away from home is to study, to get new things, to make mistake and to learn from it. Study kene ikhlas, study bukan semata mata nak dapat 100%, bukan nak tunjuk perfect bukan bukan dan bukan. tapi cuba untuk study dengan ihsan.

What is ihsan?
" Ihsan (bahasa Arab: احسان) adalah kata dalam bahasa Arab yang berarti "kesempurnaan" atau "terbaik." Dalam terminologi agama Islam, Ihsan berarti seseorang yang menyembah Allah seolah-olah ia melihat-Nya, dan jika ia tidak mampu membayangkan melihat-Nya, maka orang tersebut membayangkan bahwa sesungguhnya Allah melihat perbuatannya." (wikipedia)

Sambil sambil tu, have a cup of coffee, sejuk sangat weather sekarang <33


Why we love autumn - 5 reasons.

Why we love autumn.
why do i have to repeat the question? (: ans: to emphasize. 
well, maybe it is not " we " its just me. 

1. beautiful leaves turned orange, yellow? every morning i wake up, on my way to class i would be able to see the the leaves falling down. Its rare to see the sun shine bright. but the most painful thing is to have a dry skin. sometimes, you can see the cloud so clear. <33

(: golden yellow i would say
2. A warm drink and a cup of coffee
when the temperature drops, its a big change for me. couldn't find other ways to warm my self rather than having a cup of warm drink. coffeeeee? no. i lied. i don't drink coffee. 

because you will need warm coats or whatever you call it. in autumn. its raining most of the time. managed to get myself a waterproof jacket. i can't bring umbrella , you don't wanna know why (:

4. Taking pictures
because the scenery and views are just fascinating  (:
i bet a lot of photographer would love to capture the beauty of nature. awwwh. <33
autumn leaves yellow leaves tree cardiff cardiff student union autumn leaves drop

autumn leaves yellow leaves tree cardiff cardiff student union autumn leaves drop

winter break.weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.


How do I like Cardiff so far? -naurahnorzan

Assalamualaikum w.b.t,

let's start this post with a typical question that i always get, " How do you like Cardiff so far?" (: well , this question is too random that i couldn't sometimes explain how i feel about this city. Its only two months here, but yes , Cardiff is a nice city, the people, the place, the view.  but not the weather, but yeah we still adapting right? Because some of  my friends and juniors keep asking me about Cardiff University, i think i probably just write a post in this blog rather thn replying the same thing again and again. Its not that I'm too busy its just I'm lazy ( and i don't have good chemistry with touchscreeeennnnsmartphone).

First of all , this is Cardiff University,

cardiff university univeristy cardiffuni mainbuildingcardiff cardiffbuilding cardiffcity beautiful
  I capture this picture myself. Not a good photographer, so don't judge my picture (: In United Kingdom there are many environment types of universities. It can be campus style, city style, or collegiate. well so if you are interested in applying to UK, make sure you choose which one you like. Cardiff is a city university which is so near to the city centre. meoww (: you get to see a lot of people from all ages not only students. the location of one department to another is like 10 mins walking , but not for medic student because heath park is 40 mins walking from the main building. 

Alright, lets talk about subjects and academic stuff. I don't  know for other course, but for medical engineering, we basically have six subjects in total for the first semester. you have to pass 40% for each subject in order to proceed to year two. However, in year two you will need to pass 60%, to go for master and 40% for bachelor. (: there is one subject which helps you a lot especially for jobs interview or summer placement. In that module, you will have presentation, curriculum vitae writing and a lot more. well, about the subjects, you gonna find its hard when you don't focus in class. It's that simple aite? (: there are three long lab reports that you have to do ( new  format this year) and you will be given a week to finish one lab report. well, this is the most tiring part i think. I don't  like writing reports but that's what i have to deal with ;p 

To those who ask me about the entry requirement, you can just check the university website. but during my time for international baccalaureate, total point of 34 including maths HL and physics HL. I didn't take A-levels before, I couldn't help, sorry. 

Autumn.and me.

Autumn (:

During my high school days, i never thought of studying abroad.
United kingdom? Canada? what i care at that moment was how to score good results in SPM, and praying hard not to get PLKN. ( joke! i guess? ) Anyway,  i got several offers from local universities which are University Malaya (UM) and University Technology Petronas (UTP). but i choose Kolej Mara Banting (KMB) -International Baccalaureate. Never thought it was that hard but yet still survived. Alhamdulillah. I would just wanna share the first feeling of seeing the leaves turned golden yellow. I never been to europe // uk before :) this picture captures the moment i won't forget. grateful to be here. 

autumn leaves autumn leaves cardiff united kingdom united



Salam , Hai , Hye , Hello ;D

Prifysgol caerdydd i was not sure about it at first but it actually means cardiff university in welsh tapi tak pernah cuba pronounce sebab kena tanya welsh speaker dulu. saje menulis blog yang dah lama tak update update ni sebab masih belum ada hobi, masih belum mula bersukan dan masih belum mula membusykan diri. Pagi ni , bila bangun dengan rasa malas sebab suhu sekarang dah tinggal satu digit je. atau sebenarnya memang malas nak bangun. Melihatkan tarikh dah sepuluh haribulan , hampir tiga minggu di Cardiff dan masih belum menulis something lagi kat blog for my family. Ambil beberapa minit masa di library ni untuk mengupdate blog dan bercadang menulis dalam ' bahasa ' kerana mereka yang lalu lalang kat bilik IT ni kalau baca pun bukan faham, taklah malu sangat ;D

Teringat peristiwa beberapa hari sebelum fly. Terjumpa kawan lama dan 'maamaa'nya , yang bertanya ke mana haluan lepasni , ke 'Cardiff' tak sangka pula jawapannya ' Wales tu bosan'. tiga minggu lepas jejakkan kaki ke Cardiff dengan seribu persoalan tentang capital of wales ni, dengan culture baru, makanan baru, orang baru dan macam macam lagi. Betulke boring?

Setelah memikirkan apa yang dikatakan, membuatkan saya terfikir tentang niat. belajar. jadi tak rasa patut pun persoalan pertama tentang samaada wales tu best ke tak ke menjadi persoalan dalam diri. tapi cukuplah bersyukur kita maish miliki peluang untuk menuntut ilmu. Alhamdulillah tiga minggu berlalu, dan semuanya berjalan lancar dekat sini. masih mampu bernafas dan membaca. Tak pernah terfikir mampu berkawan, bercakap dan membuka hati menerima culure mereka tapi here I am. terkadang rasa ganjil bila bangun pukul tiga empat pagi untuk ke tandas dan masih bising lagi suasana kat luar, tak apalah takdelah takut kan ;D nak kata rindukan masakan malaysia, belum lagi kot, maybe sebab masih rajin masak di rumah.

Mengingatkan diri untuk rasa syukur. dan berterima kasih kepada Allah, atas rezeki, peluang dan ruang menuntut ilmu. nah, ada quotation lagu paling suka untuk share:

Jadikanlah ku tentera Fisabilillah yang tertera di kalimah harap memanduilah 

Entah apabila persimpangan tiba, hidup penuh dengan rintangan harus kuhadapinya 
Harapku tidak lupa diri bila gembira, dan cuma mula mencari kau disaat hiba 
Ku cuma manusia penuh dengan kesilapan tapi bisa membezakan cahaya dan kegelapan 
Tabah bila dihalangan duri onak dan cobaan 
Teguh bila dicobakan keruh kuasa dan perempuan 
Oh, Sentiasa legar diminda, dikejar dan dipinta dari zaman bermula hingga ke akhirnya 
Ku mengerti siapa ku tanpamu disisi dan apa guna posisi juga posesi 
Sementara ini cuma hanya puisi, nukilan tulisan dan bisikan isi hati 
Mencari ketenangan, menjiwai peranan menepati pesanan janji juga saranan 
Alhamdulillah atas kurniaan rezeki, moga tidak leka dalam perjalanan ini "




Goodmorninggg (:                 
counting days now. Its already 12 sept .
the big question is " am i ready ? " . Lets set the nawaitu at the right path . 

Blackberry ;D

Salam and hello people,

Been using blackberry smartphone since i first enter college. my first phone is blackberry curve i couldn't recall what exactly the model was . After like a year , i bought a new one , but different model , the latest at that time perhaps. blackberry torch. well ,  one of the advantage for me is , i love to text using keypad instead of the touch screen. Let's talk about the thing that i love about blackberry :

  1. as mentioned earlier . the keyyypaddddddd. 
  2. e-mail would be easier to access.
  3. smaller size smartphone
  4. the theme is clean 
  5. blackberry applications world.
  6. and of course , blackberry internet service.
That's what i can think of right now . however, not to mention that there are few problems i experienced. one of it would be the battery. The battery couldn't last long maybe because of the applications that is running twenty four hours. but yeah , if you decide to buy blackberry i assure you to buy power bank as well. yeah yeah yeah .other problems would be the smartphone would be hang sometimes , or maybe you need to upgrade your blackberry applications world.

let me tell you guys what exactly happens to both of my blackberry ;D

BLACKBERRY CURVE: Trackpad not working anymore.
BLACKBERRY TORCH : Slide problem.

blackberry, blackberry torch, blackberry cover, smartphone, smartphone cover, phone plug , earphone plug

I just love this blackberry cover ;D 

and again i took the road less taken -naurah

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference. 

sambutlah salam ramadhan ini

Assalamualaikum w.b.t, 

Mungkin ramadhan kali ini berbeza buat saya dan buat mereka yang masih bersedih. Semasa saya begitu khusyuk membaca ucapan selamat menyambut ramadhan melalui kiriman mesej, whatsapp, line, sesuatu telah terlintas dalam fikiran saya. Setelah menyedari telah dua puluh tahun saya bernafas, akhirnya ramadhan kali ke dua puluh ini telah menyapa saya dengan kesedihan, luka luka yang belum lagi pulih sepenuhnya. menyedari hakikat perjuangan yang perlu diteruskan ini, saya berbisik ke hati saya supaya terus bangun melangkah seperti biasa. Bersyukurlah sahabat dan teman kerana di saat bercampurnya perasaan kita berkecamuk dan masih dihuni kegelisahan masih kuat bagi diri kita melangkah ke masjid masjid menunaikan solat sunat tarawih serta mengagahkan diri kita menyempurnakan ibadah puasa.(: 

di sini saya ingin mengambil kesempatan mengucapkan selamat berpuasa kepada semua umat islam di serata dunia , semoga semua ibadah kita diterima oleh Allah swt. semoga ramadhan ini dapat menyembuh luka luka di hati mereka yang masih bersedih. 

hidup ini kadang kala memang sakit sekali, esokkan ada lagi? - naurahfaiqah syazwani bt norzan


tidak ku dengar suaramu .


Setiap kata kata yang saya tuliskan pada post ini memerlukan kekuatan kerana saya juga punya perasaan. Niat dan tujuan saya mengetuk keyboard harini adalah untuk serba sedikit merawat hati hati yang masih terluka dengan hakikat yang perlu di telan. Tidak terlintas di hati saya meninggalkan kawan kawan yang sedang terluka begitu sahaja walaupun saya juga masih sedang menerima. Memang tidak dapat dinafikan begitu sedihlah jika sesuatu yang kita hajatkan tidak kesampaian ataupun sesuatu terlepas dari genggaman, namun , apabila kita telah meredhai Allah SWT sebagai Tuhan kita, dan Islam sebagai agama kita, dan Muhammad S.A.W sebagai rasul kita , namun percayalah kata kata Allah dan refresh tujuan kita yang nyata, iaitu syurga. Maka hapuskanlah air mata yang jatuh bertitisan tanpa henti itu. Sebelum saya menyambung kata kata saya lagi, sudilah saya berkongsi ini dengan kalian yang masih terluka:

"..Terimalah apa yang telah Allah berikan pada kamu dan jadilah mereka yang bersyukur.."(al-A'raf:144)
" Sesungguhnya bisikan itu daripada syaitan untuk membuat orang beriman bersedih..."(al-Mujadalah:10)
"...tiada sekali-kali apa yang menimpa kami kecuali telah ditetapkan Allah utk kami.."(at-Taubah:51)
"...barangkali Allah mahu membuat sesudah itu satu hal yang baru."(at-Tolaq:1)
"..Kesejahteraan dan berbahagialah ke atas kamu kerana telah bersabar menerima cubaan-Nya. Syurga adalah sebaik-baik tempat kesudahan.."(ar-Ra'ad:24)
"Sesungguhnya selepas kesusahan itu pasti ada kesenangan"(al-Insyirah:6)
Saya memahami perasaan kalian kerana saya juga terluka apabila meng log in page tersebut. tapi janganlah   sesekali anda berputus asa dengan kehidupan seolah olah tiada apa lagi yang tinggal. Mungkin Allah mempunyai perancangan yang lebih baik buat kita. kita tidak mengetahui apa pun sedangkan Allah mengetahui segala galanya. Pernah saya terbaca, dalam sebuah buku yang bertajuk La tahzan ditulis oleh Dr.'Aidh Bin 'Abdullah Al-Qarni. 
" Bila anda tiba di waktu pagi, maka ingatlah bahawa pagi itu telah menyapa beribu ribu orang yang tidak beruntung, sementara anda sedang berada dalam kenikmatan. ia menyapa beribu ribu orang, yang kelaparan, sementara anda sendiri kekenyangan" - Dr.'Aidh Bin' Abdullah Al-Qarni.
Mungkin kata kata tersebut mampu membuatkan kita bersyukur dengan nikmat lain yang kita beroleh, kerana setiap manusia itu punya ujian yang berbeza. Janganlah sesekali kalian merasa terlalu sedih berpanjangan. Benar, kita semua sudah berusaha, menghadirkan diri setiap pagi ke kelas, tidur lewat setiap malam, sama seperti yang lain namun nasib tidak menyebelahi kita. Teman, janganlah kamu menyalahkan takdir kerana siapalah kita yang tidak tahu apa apa pun. Setiap di antara kita punya harapan yang tercalar, tapi biarkanlah harapan itu kelak menjadi semangat untuk kita bangun esok lusa. jangan berhenti berdoa kerana Allah itu ada mendengar segala gala nya. Saya tidak mahu meninggalkan kawan yang terluka walaupun saya juga sedang menerima. teman, saya masih di sini . sama seperti dulu . akhir kata dari saya, kita doa terbaik untuk dua belas haribulan julai, dan sambutlah salam ramadhan dari saya dan hapuslah airmata itu .hidup ini memang kadangkala sakit sekali, tapi esokkan ada lagi? - naurahfaiqah syazwani bt norzan. seorang teman memberikan ini kepada saya:


Renewing passport much more easier nowadays ( pembaharuan passport melalui kios )

If you are looking forward to renew your passport (malaysia), there are much easier way of doing it. It's either by going to the immigration or you can just do it online, but i did not know how the online system works. but if you are going to renew your passport at the immigration in presint 15, Putrajaya it would be much easier ;D 
there's actually a machine where you don't actually have to wait long, but of course you have to wait for your turn to use the machine. what you would need are just few things:

1. your MYKAD.
2. your current passport
3. a passport sized photograph 
( the background should be white if you renew the passport at putrajaya)
4. cash.
depends : RM100 for 2 years passport
and RM 300 for 5 years passport

And, this is how it works:


You can collect your passport either on that day or
the next day, yeayyy ;D 


international baccalaureate kolej mara banting

What is International Baccalaureate, Kolej Mara Banting? (:

In Malaysia, there are a lot of preparation programs such as A-level, American Degree Foundation Programme, Australia Matriculation known as Ausmat, Canadian pre-university and many more. Keep in mind that International baccalaureate is different from other programs and the most busiest i would say. so prepare yourself (: Okay, basically, the first thing you would see when you google, is the international baccalaureate hexagon and less people talk about international baccalaureate in kolej mara banting, yes because they are all busy with their own schedule /: there are few things you must know.
pemandangan kolej mara banting, gambar kolej mara banting, mara college banting pictures, kmb , mara college banting
Mara College Banting
There are six subjects that you must take and three bonus points would be from the extended essay and theory of knowledge ( TOK ). Mostly, students would prefer to take three subjects of higher level, and another three would be from standard level. The subjects would include from every  ' group ', It is required that students choose one subject from each of the 1 - 5 group: 

1. group 1 : language A1
( at kolej mara banting, they offer malay literature, you
can take other language if you wish )

2. group 2 : second language
( during my batch, engineering students would take
English standard level and medic students would take
English Higher level)

3. group 3 : individual and societies
Kolej mara banting would offer three subjects which are
the economics, business, and ITGS.

4. group 4: experimental sciences 

5. group 5: mathematics and computer science
( engineering students would take mathematics HL, whereas,
medic students would choose mathematics SL, but well, it depends on you to choose)

6. group 6 : the arts
( well, studennts can choose to study a group 6 subject, or they can study an additional subject from 1 to 5 , so i don't take group 6 subject ) 

Besides that, there are other core elements in international baccalaureate hexagon. They are the extended essay( EE), Theory of Knowledge ( TOK ) and creative, action service ( CAS ) and these are the important elements that you must complete before you can get your diploma. I would write about them in details in another posts. (: let's take a look at few pictures of kmb: 
mara college banting, kolej mara banting, gambar kolej mara banting, kmb
kolej mara banting
mara college banting, kolej mara banting , basketball court, kmb
basketball court

cendol, laksa, rojak bangi :)

Let's talk about food. the first thing i planned to do right after coming home was , looking for food. yes,food. i love local cuisine. most of the malaysian cuisine have been commercialize and changed a bit but there are still places where you can find local food ;D nah, am not talking about that . nak cakap pasal, cendol pulut ! refreshing especially during the hot weather. nah, makan kat bangi, its cheap and ada laksa, bi hun sup, and other foods juga. cendol pulut dalam RM 2.20 if i'm not mistaken.

cendol rojak laksa bangi
(: cendol pulut, bangi.

cendol pulut bangi
                                                                           cendol pulut :)
bihun sup bangi
bihun sup :)

Rojak biasa: RM 3.00
Rojak Mee: RM 3.50
Bihun Sup Ayam RM 3.50
Bihun Sup tulang RM.5.50
CENDOL: 1.20


what you miss about college right now?

I know most of Malaysian matriculation programme and International baccalaureate(IB) students are currently enjoying their long holidays :) so, mesti ada rindu banyak benda pasal college, right? so, what do you miss about college? 

When I scroll through pictures on my phone, i found something that I miss right now (: 
1. Vending machine.
I can still remember the day everyone was so busy completing their extended essay, T.O.K, and maths portfolio. We spent less hours doing other homework and chose to spend our time inside our own room. Sometimes, when i'm too lazy to walk to cafe or even to ko-op, i would start counting my coins to buy drinks from the vending machines :) before i left the other day, i took the picture of Block E's vending machine, Nah:

vending machine

2. The Cartridge 
I refused to bring printer when i first came to kmb, i planned to go home every weekend so i wouldn't need any printer but i changed my mind during the second semester. Every time, i changed the cartridge, i kept the old one to remind myself of the issue I had when i first changed it. 

                                   I used all of these to print my ee, tok, IA, maths portfolio :)

3. Mum's Bake chocolate chip
During the irp session, we ate as much as we study. I didn't even have a picture of our irp group but hope that all of us would be at graduation. i went to Giant store, and found the chocolate chip we loooooooveeeee to eat together. hahaha ;D and its delicious!

mum's bake


to a friend i owe her an apology

This post is dedicated to a friend i owe
her an apology ;D

This morning, when i woke up, i took few minutes lying on the bed remembering those days i spent with my friends in kmb and it remind me of someone i think i owe her an apology. i don't know how we first talked to each other but i think during the orientation week, i never spoke to her and didn't even acknowledge her existence until class sessions started. We became closed to each other during the second semester she became weirder and weirder every semester but the most funniest thing she did was during class presentation or whenever she was asked to talk in front of the crowd, she would do some kind of a 'kungfu panda' action with a voice ' haikkk' when she did something wrong. So what we did was, we always asked her to talk in front of others even during the irp sessions just to see her funny act.

She used a cheap nokia phone during the first two semester and we always make fun of her phone and what her reaction was " takkan tukar phone,takkan, sayang kat phone ni "and suddenly she bought the latest phone (samsung galaxy note) . I can still recall the first time she showed me the brand new phone she kept in her bag. she told me that i shouldn't tell anyone but what i did was telling one of my friend " hey, she got a new phone, please don't tell anyone" (she knew i would do this) and the next thing happen was the whole class knew she got a new phone. haha. after few weeks later, everyone in the class bought a new phone and she told me that "alaa, rugi beli sekarang, sekejap je jadi hot". i know you would laugh reading this.

She left her galaxy note three times in the class, at the concourse ( i couldn't recall the other place) and she was lucky that she found it back --". I never saw her in a bad mood, even we always   make fun of each other until one day i discovered what actually can make her mood swing. FOOD. lately the kakak cafe were not as efficient as before, so they forgot to make her food and she argued with them and suddenly became like the hulk :p (exaggerating) so now i knew how to make you mad. weee :) we had a lot of fun things together even though sometimes it may be annoying to others. so, i would like to apologize for everything i did back then. hope to see you at graduation. whenever, a friend (not from kmb) asked me so, who is this girl? my respond would be: Nah, she is just an ordinary girl from naim lilbanat :) 

the past few days

tell the world that i'm coming home "
i kept on repeating this song again and again
during the past exam week, but then when i'm 
already HOME, suddenly, I DON'T KNOW
 what to do, so i need a planner, but couldn't figure out 
what to plan yet :) so, this is what i do for the past few days :

1. I took an hour, driving around bandar tun hussein onn,
well, i miss my friends but i don't think they are here :)
so i decided to go to papa rich with dania at Lake valley 
because i'm craving for ' milo dinosaur ' ;D 
fucuk goreng, milo dinosaur paparich lake valley
They changed the name from milo dinosaur to 
COCO DINOSAUR , but it's just the same milo tabur :p

2. The next thing i did was sleep sleep sleep
and sleep, that's how i actually recharge my mind
from two years of not enough sleep ;D

3. Abang Syahmie's family came to ' merisik ' kak sara
and he even bought me cake for my birthday , thankyou


Finally, i'm back ;D

means new life
and new life after ib definitely referring to freedom
About this new template, i actually spent few hours
searching for the best template that suits my new definition of life 
it looks a bit messy, but the layout was well organized, thumbs up ;D

regarding the upper part background, i couldn't do anything
so i choose to leave it that way - clean my desk, feed the cat, 
and SAVE THE PLANET ! i choose to locate sunrise picture in KMB 
on the left side of the picture space so that i won't forget all the things
i learnt there. The other picture should tell you that " It's good to be home again".

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Thirty days left :)

Exactly THIRTY DAYS left

Its not Thirty days left to live, Its exactly thirty days left to struggle
for international baccalaureate examinations. 
I'll be actively updating my blogs after IB exams
( in two month's time)


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