international baccalaureate kolej mara banting

What is International Baccalaureate, Kolej Mara Banting? (:

In Malaysia, there are a lot of preparation programs such as A-level, American Degree Foundation Programme, Australia Matriculation known as Ausmat, Canadian pre-university and many more. Keep in mind that International baccalaureate is different from other programs and the most busiest i would say. so prepare yourself (: Okay, basically, the first thing you would see when you google, is the international baccalaureate hexagon and less people talk about international baccalaureate in kolej mara banting, yes because they are all busy with their own schedule /: there are few things you must know.
pemandangan kolej mara banting, gambar kolej mara banting, mara college banting pictures, kmb , mara college banting
Mara College Banting
There are six subjects that you must take and three bonus points would be from the extended essay and theory of knowledge ( TOK ). Mostly, students would prefer to take three subjects of higher level, and another three would be from standard level. The subjects would include from every  ' group ', It is required that students choose one subject from each of the 1 - 5 group: 

1. group 1 : language A1
( at kolej mara banting, they offer malay literature, you
can take other language if you wish )

2. group 2 : second language
( during my batch, engineering students would take
English standard level and medic students would take
English Higher level)

3. group 3 : individual and societies
Kolej mara banting would offer three subjects which are
the economics, business, and ITGS.

4. group 4: experimental sciences 

5. group 5: mathematics and computer science
( engineering students would take mathematics HL, whereas,
medic students would choose mathematics SL, but well, it depends on you to choose)

6. group 6 : the arts
( well, studennts can choose to study a group 6 subject, or they can study an additional subject from 1 to 5 , so i don't take group 6 subject ) 

Besides that, there are other core elements in international baccalaureate hexagon. They are the extended essay( EE), Theory of Knowledge ( TOK ) and creative, action service ( CAS ) and these are the important elements that you must complete before you can get your diploma. I would write about them in details in another posts. (: let's take a look at few pictures of kmb: 
mara college banting, kolej mara banting, gambar kolej mara banting, kmb
kolej mara banting
mara college banting, kolej mara banting , basketball court, kmb
basketball court

Captainnaurah:Unknown welcome to my blog ;D

Article international baccalaureate kolej mara banting published by Unknown on Thursday, May 30, 2013. 0 comment: posting international baccalaureate kolej mara banting


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